Thankful Thursdays: A note to those who nourish us

As we enjoy our Thanksgiving meals today and nourish our bodies, our Thankful Thursdays prompt focuses on who nourishes our soul and spirit. Who in your life makes you feel fulfilled and cherished?

Thankful Thursdays prompt #4: Write a letter of gratitude to the person who nourishes your life.

If you need some inspiration, start by creating a list of all the experiences, feelings, and flavors you are thankful for. Whoever or whatever comes to mind is who you will be writing your letter to. This is a great activity to do with your family today to nurture gratitude and reflect on thankfulness together.

This is the fourth installation of our Thankful Thursdays series, a collaboration with Lost Art of Love Letters and Santa Barbara Response Network. Each Thursday, we will share a gratitude prompt from Lost Art of Love Letters to help you dive deeper into who and what you are grateful for.

Lost Art of Love Letters, started by artist Sondra Weiss, encourages everyone to practice creative letter writing on a wide variety of topics from mental wellness, social justice, and environmental protection to gratitude and self-love. Love letters from her project have made their way to museums, galleries, aquariums, and even the Climate Action Summit at the United Nations where environmental letters written by global youth were read to world leaders. 

Share pictures of your love letters with us on social media @optimistdaily, @sbrn, and @lostartofloveletters with #ignitecaring.

The post Thankful Thursdays: A note to those who nourish us first appeared on The Optimist Daily: Making Solutions the News.

As we enjoy our Thanksgiving meals today and nourish our bodies, our Thankful Thursdays prompt focuses on who nourishes our soul and spirit. Who in your life makes you feel fulfilled and cherished? Thankful Thursdays prompt #4: Write a letter of gratitude to the person who nourishes your life. If you need some inspiration, start
The post Thankful Thursdays: A note to those who nourish us first appeared on The Optimist Daily: Making Solutions the News.